
焦点 | 世界首个FIA认证的国际飘移赛事FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup诞生

2017年6月21日,FIA国际汽联在日内瓦召开的第五届FIA赛车运动大会上宣布了世界上首个FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup诞生,飘移正式成为与F1、WRC一样少数得到FIA(国际汽车联合会)认证的世界级专业汽车赛事。FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup第一站,将于9月30日 – 10月1日在日本台场正式开赛。


飘移运动开始于20世纪80年代的日本山口(Toge),如今这项运动已经吸引了全球范围内的广大年轻群体。在2017年,国际汽联(FIA)为赛车飘移制定了统一的规则,今天(6月21日)在日内瓦举行的第五届国际汽联体育会议上,国际汽联(FIA)宣布该项目的首个国际性赛事 ——FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup——将于9月30日-10月1日,在日本东京台场(Daiba)举办。

国际汽联(FIA)在2016年7月启动了Internaitonal Drift Cup的推广招标,基于包括对赛事的承诺、竞争管理以及运动的发展等相关标准,SUNPROS最终被提名为正式推广商。 SUNPROS自2001年就开始举办D1 GRAND PRIX飘移大奖赛,他们坚信在日本诞生的飘移文化将会通过国际汽联(FIA)认证的FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup在世界各地传播开来。

国际汽联(FIA)主席Jean Todt说到:“这是国际汽联(FIA)一个非常重要的新项目的开始。飘移运动吸引着全世界年轻人的目光并且有着一批忠诚的粉丝,伴随着我们持续在世界各地推广汽车运动,这群粉丝也将会越来越壮大。”

“随着FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup的诞生,我们正在制定相关的标准框架,这将帮助这项运动从基础水平向更加专业化的全球性赛事持续地发展壮大。我们正在制定一个我相信一定大获成功的汽车运动的标准。”

SUNPROS的主席,同时也是D1 GRAND PRIX的创始人,Saita先生说到:“我们很自豪能够在飘移运动的诞生地日本举办这项世界性的赛事。与此同时,我将致力于将飘移比赛推广到全世界,这是一个令人激动的时刻”。

FIA Internaitonal Drift Cup


It began on the Japanese mountain pass (Toge) in the 1980s and now captivates young people all around the world. In 2017, the FIA set unified world regulations for drifting, and today (21 June) at the fifth FIA Sport Conference in Geneva, announces the discipline’s first international competition – the FIA Intercontinental Drifting Cup – on 30 September – 1 October, to be held in Daiba, Tokyo, Japan.

The FIA opened the tender process to find a promoter for the Intercontinental Drifting Cup in July 2016, and based on criteria including the commitment to the event, the competition management and the future development of the sport, it nominated SUNPROS as the promoter. SUNPROS has been hosting the D1 Grand Prix since 2001, and is confident that the drift culture born in Japan will be sent around the world with the FIA Intercontinental Drifting Cup.

FIA President, Jean Todt, said, “This is the beginning of a very important category for the FIA. As we continue to develop motor sport around the world, drifting has a great appeal to young people and has a passionate core following which is only going to get bigger.

“With the creation of the FIA Intercontinental Drifting Cup, we are building the framework for a standard format which will help the sport continue to grow from grass roots level to more professional competitions globally. We are setting the standard for what I’m sure will be a hugely successful form of motor sport.”

Following the FIA’s appointment of SUNPROS, President of SUNPROS, Mr Saita, said, “We are proud to be able to hold a world competition in Japan with a form of motor sport that originated here. At the same time, I want to contribute to the expansion of drifting competition all over the world – this is an exciting time for this discipline.” Mr. Isao Saita is also the founder of D1.


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